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New Era Ahead (Nasty Email Reply)

I recieved this very bad taste Email today
in answer to my News Group Item Mabe
I should not have Mentioned the Donations
Request and Apologise for this

-----Original Message-----
From: dirtcircuitvideos <dirtcircuitvideos@bigpond.com>
Newsgroups: aus.rail
Date: Thursday, February 25, 1999 11:04 AM
Subject: New Era Ahead.

>Australian Railways are on the Move, Great things are happening
>thanks to Private Enterprise.
>Great Southern Railways is to run a special " Indian Pacific
>Ghan " combination  from Sydney through Broken Hill
>Peterborough and Adelaide to The Alice  12 April, I have
> been told that The Train will be stopping at Peterborough
> Station where high ranking officials of the Company will inspect
>The Peterborough Station Complex along with plans
>to Reopen The Complex.
>This would be a great conclusion to my campaign to
>have the Station brought back on line.
>The governments lack of interest the our Great Railways
>has lead to Private Enterprise showing the way, I would
>guess that Great Plans are afoot Between the BHP
>and Private Railway Companies to build the Alice to
>Darwin rail line, What a great thing for Australia to
>Have Freight and Passenger services from Melbourne
>to Darwin.
>Let us all pull together and help these plans come to reality
>why not run a campaign in the press supporting The Australian
>Railway System and it's future expansion , let's all help to
>stamp our Vandalism at Stations and to Rolling stock and
>other Railway Equipment.
>If our useless South Australian Government and Local Councils
>can't do the Job , then it is up to the decent people amongst
>us and Good old Private Enterprise.
>Save our Station Campaign
>PS  I would realy love a few small donations
>to help run this Campaign, as making long distance
>Phone calls, developing Photos and Posting them
>on the News Groups is costing me an arm and a leg,
> at $7 per hr.
>Dirtcircuit Videos
> Email:  dirtcircuitvideos@bigpond.com
>Webpage:  http://www.users.bigpond.com/dirtcircuitvideos.htm
Email Letter

Dear Privatisation Croney,
If you want money for your shoddy ideas, go out and practice what you
preach, private enterprise, see how far you get. Don't beg us for money.
These assets were ours, now they are foreign owned and at no stage were we
asked. Hypocrites like you want it both ways. You laud private enterprise
the great saviour but damn secretly there's a lot of public services you
know you don't want to lose. If you truly believe in private enterprise
live as you speak. Refuse yourself all the benefits of public and community
enterprise and welfare and see just how crappy life really is in the USA
where people are viewed as mere commodities with no intrinsic value. I
suggest that an examination of your lifestyle would be very revealing of
just how hypocritical you rampant capitalists are and by that I mean you
creatures who want capitalism without controls or restraint. Just in case
you missed it we had that early last century. It was a nightmare and that
agreed by all. You are living a century and a half too late.
Dont destroy our world for your hateful selfishness where you believe its
everyone for himself because that is simply called anarchy. It isnt the
Nazis or the Communists we should fear but the Anarchists who wish to
destroy humanity altogether. You have announced your membership of that
group. Suck up to the big corporations if it amuses you but dont be silly
enough to believe that they give a damn whether you or I live or die. They
live solely for themselves. I guess there has to be atleast a few totally
self-interested "people" sliding around. The long suffering majority as
usual will have to grin and bear your nonsense no matter how destructive of
human civilization it is.
Anarchy (aka Unfettered Capitalism) is a crime against humanity and it is
the one instance that warrants the death penalty IMHO.
Email sender Adress
Dirtcircuit Videos
 Email:  dirtcircuitvideos@bigpond.com
Webpage:  http://www.users.bigpond.com/dirtcircuitvideos.htm