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Re: 3526? Anyone?

"Darren Yates" <dyates@pnc.com.au> wrote in aus.rail:

>With the Mexicans and Banana-Benders crowing about steam in their respective
>states, does anyone know anything more about the restoration of 3526, other
>than yes, there is a restoration fund and yes, it's located out at
>Anyone have details on how its progressing, if it's progressing etc etc.
The only thing that is progressing on 3526 is rust.

SIGH! (Thinking what a fantastic railfan's paradise NSW was in steam

Idea!!: Send it down to Victoria. We convert it to BG to run our fan
specials. In 2088, for Vics 300th Anniversary present for NSW, we send
it back to youse guys on the SG. Deal?

Les Brown