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Re: Road and Rail Funding

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Behold, on Sat, 3 Jul 1999 11:02:45 +1000 in
misc.transport.rail.australia-nz:<7ljnjp$5gq@ob1.uws.EDU.AU>, Ben Staples
(98711576@student.hawkesbury.uws.edu.au) didst uttereth:

>Patrick Dunford <patrick_dunford@caverock.net.nz> wrote in message
>> >These figures are available from DOTs Web Site.
>> >
>> >The railway if we assume 1800 M crossing loops at 25 km spacings can
>carry up
>> >to 40 trains per day of 5000 tonnes gross.
>> >To carry the same tonnage by road requires 6000 semi-trailers per day or
>> >every 15 seconds .
>> >Its pretty obvious which solution is the best.
>> Only for freight traffic. Trains cannot replace private motor vehicles.
>What are you talking about, that trains cannot replace private motor
>vehicles?? Roughly 12 months ago I travelled to Broken Hill. I could fly,
>drive, catch a train or catch a bus. I decided that a train ride can happily
>replace my private motor vehicle.

Sure, and it drops you off at your doorstep :)

Get real. Unless you walked from your house/hotel to the railway station at
each end, you must have travelled in a motor vehicle at some point. Now,
suppose I have more baggage than I can carry over a three mile walk to my
local railway station. How do I get it there?

Supposing I live in the wopwops and my nearest railway station is a hundred
miles away? Long walk eh?

- -- 
Patrick Dunford, Christchurch, NZ
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