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        I used to think that the third world service with first world
        fares offered by Cityrail was due primarily to management/govt
        incompetence and bastardry, with perhaps a small factor due
        to a few apathetic moronic little Hitlers working there.

        Since starting to read this NG, I have come to the conclusion
        that while perhaps not the majority, moronic little Hitlers
        are the norm at Cityrail. Even if the government can be
        made to offer a credible service, it will still be provided
        by tiny minded racist bastards who want a uniform to throw
        their pathetic weight around in. I guess the rail workers
        with enough brains to see what's going on and get organised
        have already been gotten rid of.

        So there will be no battle over privatisation, it's already
        lost                             .- michael

**** like we the shit kickers of the rail way have any say about what
goes on. i hope cityrail is privatised, you would get a real shock in
the price hike. the railways are subsudised so heavely , you would see
the ticket prices jump by about 400%. you would also have less staff for
saftey and the timetable currently running would be shoot out the
window. but as it is a third world serviceyou would like it to be
privatised as this is the answer!!!    wake up to your self, just ask
any pom about there prices for there train travel? i dare you . and then
you might appreciate how good you do have it!
fred  :o)