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Re: Gundagai - Last Use Of Line?


>Do the buses run past the dog on the tuckerbox?

Don't actually know but we stopped there and bought the fridge magnet :)

>was about 14 and barely able to see above the steering wheel. At least
>it was an automatic.
>Urghhh. Thanks for reminding me!

I can remember those road trips as a child .... I would have liked to have
gone by rail anytime.

It was sad seeing the decline of Gundagai and from the previous posting if
there was 4 goods trains and two passenger railcars a day why on earth would
they close the complete line I wonder? Of interest the points at the north
end of the station still work :) we had a bit of a play while there and
walked along the dead tracks for a bit and the dead feeling of the whole
place was quite errie!
