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LVR web site email problem

To anybody who may have emailed the LVR web site and not had a response:

Due to a problem with the email set-up, most messages that have been emailed
to the LVR address (lvrcowra@ozemail.com.au) have not been accessible. This
problem will hopefully be rectified in the next few days, along with an
update of upcoming events, being Easter (Griffith) and April 17/18
(Goulburn). In the mean time, enqiries can be directed to myself, or
telephone enqiries to 0413 45 5367. LVR regrets the delay and any
inconvenience caused (to email messages!).
Robert Parnell
RAC-Railcom Technician, Electronics Enthusiast,
Lachlan Valley Railway member,  NSW HO scale modeller