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Re: Victorian Safeworking - Please explain <g!>

Yuri J Sos wrote:

> Recently threads have referred to modifying safeworking areas by
> extending yard limits.  What benefits does this bring?
> Also if a line is worked under "siding conditions" what does that
> mean?
> Regards
> Yuri (a struggling student of the rail)
> --
> ==================================
> Yuri J Sos
> Melbourne VIC AUS

Quick basic response:
The train is under the control of a signal box (or what ever they call
it this week), so it can be directed to go where ever by the signalman.
If the train leaves the yard limits, it is not under controll of the
box. So if,  for example, the track has washed away and the train has to
return wrong running direction, you have to get the necessary paperwork,
signatures, authorisations, secret handshakes, passwords etc so the
train can come back. In yard limits the box can direct you back by
whatexer means open to him.
