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Re: AFAIK etc.

David Langley <del@ancc.com.au> wrote, and I selectively quote:

>list some so that we might learn what they are?

Just off the top of my head....

AFAIK   - as far as I know
AIUI     - as I understand it
IIRC      - if I recall/remember correctly
IM(H)O - in my (humble) opinion
ROFL(MAO) - rolling on floor laughing (my A*s off)
VBG    - very broad grin
g,d,r(vvf)  - grin, duck and run (very very fast)

:) smile
:(  sad    
 >:(  angry    
:-p  sticking out tongue
:*)  silly   
:o  shocked 


Yuri J Sos
Melbourne VIC AUS

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