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Re: Governemtn support (was 4001)

In article <36b398e5.4690704@news.ozemail.com.au>,
  nswsrca@ozemail.com.au wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Jan 1999 17:21:40 +1100, "Darren Yates" <dyates@pnc.com.au>
> wrote:
> >Why has the RTM not been more successful in getting grants from State Rail
> >to look after THEIR bits and pieces?
> 4001 is NOT an SRA owned item.   The locomotive was purchased outright
> from A E Goodwin Ltd.
> Hunslet
> >

About 4001 and the missing pieces.

The NSWRTM has most of the major pieces needed to return 4001 to full running

A few posts back, someone was asking about re-motoring 4001 with a non 244-
series motor.  The NSWRTM doesn't need to do this, as 4001 has an engine in
it, and the NSWRTM secured anothe ALCO 244-Series Engine several years ago. 
It might have a generator, I can't remember.

Another person was asking about stripping 4006 for 4001.  This has happened,
4006 being stripped for 4002 and 4001.	4001 got the second bite at the

As for 4001's incompatibility with the rest of the NSWRTM Diesel Fleet, this
can be overcome - quite easily.  Special jumper leads can be made again.  The
manual transition can be rewired to effect an automatic transition as per more
modern types.  This modification can be made switchable, so that 4001 can
doublehead (in full m.u.) with another unit (like 44211) and run as an
authentic 40 class when on its own.

There are three major obstacles though: money, labour and official direction.
Note that none of these obstacles are technical, basically all the parts are
either in the NSWRTM's care/ownership or are easily obtainable.

Once these three hurdles are overcome, the NSWRTM's (and the NSWR's) flagship
diesel locomotive will run again.



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