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Re: Lack of Railway Magazines in Newsagencies

I am pleased  with the increases we are achieving.  It is
> worthy of note, and this may come as a suprise to some, that half of
> Power's sales are through the state of Victoria. I am not sure what it is
> like with other rail magazines but would encourage other editors to
Hi Stuart
That's good news with the sales increases - congratulations.

I suppose because of RD's historic roots in NSW go back to the magazine's
inception in
1963, that State is where most copies are still sold but interstate sales
have risen dramtically since around 1994-95 (when the national push
commenced). Over the last five years or so, Vic/Tas sales are up 100% (those
two States are grouped together by our distributor), Qld 50%, SA 110% and WA
over 300%. Reflecting the 'saturated' NSW market, NSW sales have risen much
dramatically but the September newsagent sales were far and way the best
ever in all States except Qld (down by 20 on the July 99 record).
> I too would encourage other editors to comment.
Derek Rogers
Editor - Railway Digest