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Re: Strategic Reserve.

"Roger L. Traviss" <rogertra@islandnet.com> wrote in aus.rail:
>Rory Lushman wrote:
>> I am currently looking into the case of the Strategic Reserve here
>> in the UK. This is an alleged pool of locomotives stored away for
>> future use. Many of the alleged stories involve steam locomotives
>> being tucked away in secret.
>Oh God, not this red herring again!
>There is NO reserve of engines in the UK, strategic or otherwise.  Unless
>you want to count the 1000 (Yes, one thousand) or so steam engines in
>working order already in the UK.  They're on preservation railways.
>> There are many stories - none confirmed - of missing engines. I
>> have been investigating this for nearly two years now and no solid
>> evidence has come to the surface. Although many people swear
>> they have seen locomotives being taken into strange locations.
>Many stories?  No solid evidence?   Of course there's no solid evidence.
>Because there's no solid locomotives to find.  Only imaginary ones.
>Hey, I've heard stories of little green men running around Victoria.  None
>confirmed, although many people swear they've seen little green men being
>taken into strange locations.  See, anyone can write stuff like that.  It
>doesn't make it true or even remotely true.
>> Why steam locomotives......wait for it....many suggest that these
>> locomotives would not be rendered useless by a nuclear blast. There
>> are accounts of diesel locomotives going missing but these are many
>> times fewer than their steam counterparts.
>The fate of every, repeat, every,  steam locomotive that came into British
>Railways ownership, all 40,000 plus of them, is well documented.  There are
>no gaps.    Ditto for diesels and electrics.
>> Although this is probably all a myth, we are still looking. I thought it
>> would be interesting to see if any other countries had similar stories
>> or accounts.
>As someone else wrote, go see Art Bell, he gets all the weirdoes on his
>show.  This fits right in there with aliens, ghosts, Kennedy assassination
>theories, time travel, remote viewing, astrology and all that other bunk
>that Art Bell likes.
I've heard of stories like this for over 30 years - some even
involving steam engines apparently put into long term storage here in
Victoria, Australia, but the only actual "storage" I ever saw was in
the scrap yard.

Thus we find the strange appearence of steam engines apparently
"hidden" in storage whereas the reality was that they were merely
awaiting the scrapper's torch. 

Les Brown