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Re: End of Train Devices

xenophon@starting-point.com wrote:
>  We've been told that "management" are looking at a US
>  gadget which sits on the last auto coupler and is also connected
>  to the train line. Any drop in air pressure at the back triggers an
>  in cab alarm. QR will probably reject them as "too much money"
>  even though they continue to piss money up against the wall on
>  Grandiose white elephnat schemes :-(
> Darryl.

We hear regular complaints in this ng about the grandiose white elephant
schemes down south but what are QR's efforts in this area? Can they
compete with the NSWGR train order project? (I attribute it to the NSWGR
ironically as it has all the hallmarks of the outstanding incompetence
that characterised the last days of that organisation).

Barry Campbell