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Re: Freight Victoria funds derailed - Article in the Age

mcperks@mcmedia.com.au wrote in message
>Freight Victoria funds derailed by John Rouw
>is the headline of an article in "The Age" yesterday.
>Read it online at
>Yuri (on holiday)

>$US100 million - Mr van Onselen said whispers about FV's bid spread
throughout the investment community >were ``a silly attempt by somebody to
justify why they lost. They have ... scared away local investors, which is
>a great pity, but that will not prevent us from closing the transaction,
end of story.''
>It is believed ATN, which told the New Zealand exchange it had bid $120
million and has publicly disapproved >of the price paid by FV, is still
prepared to take V/Line Freight off the state's hands if FV does not get
over the >line.
>``a silly attempt by somebody to justify why they lost. They have ...
scared away local investors, which is a >great pity, but that will not
prevent us from closing the transaction, end of story.''
>``Secondly, (rail) is an industry that does not have a particularly good
track record of excellence in this country >... due to government

ATN have announced that they will run trains in Victoria, anyhow, investing
up to 20 million to start things off.

This is disturbing news!! I do trust it is all typical Liberal controlled
Newspaper crap, but fully realise that even these sorts of investors can
believe their own lies.
Rod ;o) [hey, Yuri got my bit of paper today, seems Wodonga is safe for a
little while]