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Re: Pedestrians give way to cars

In article <3714a67f.0@pink.one.net.au>,
Peter Tina & Ebony Schroeders <petina@one.net.au> wrote:

In Seattle, there *used* to be an understanding that pedestrians have the
right of way, especially at marked crosswalks.  Coming here 20 years ago
from the east coast of America, I was pleasantly surprised at this civil
acknowledgement of the walking person.  Today, an influx of folks from
outside the area has noticeably affected the pedestrian/driver
relationship.  It is not unusual for a local to stop at a crosswalk,
surprising the car behind (probably a transplant) and causing near
accidents.  Just this past weekend, I was enjoying a bike ride on the
Burke Gilman trail with my wife and child (in a bike trailor) and on two
occasions, cars cut directly in front of us at street crossings even
though the light and signage directed the cars to yield.  My wife called
over her shoulder, "this sure isn't the Seattle I used to know".  

James A. Rymsza (jamesr@u.washington.edu) Architect - UW Design Services
    ..........  Box 352215 (work) 221-4325 (fax) 543-4117  ..........