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Re: GHAN: Adelaide to Alice Springs campervan ship?

cyber_traveller@hotmail.com wrote in message
>Is it possible to put a camper van on the GHAN train (or any other train)
>Adelaide to Alice Springs?
>We'd like to drive from Sydney to Adelaide, train to Alice Springs and then
>drive on to the East Coast and back down to Sydeny.

Hi Juan Anotnoio Samaranch (he is the only person I know that says Sydeny -
everyone else says Sydney!) <g>

There are fltcars available on The Ghan - not sure what the maximum height
is though - best bet is to visit the GSR website at http://www.gsr.com.au -
or if you are already in Australia, give them a call on 13 21 47 - for the
cost of a local call.



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