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Re: Cup Day (Melbourne) and R707

"D. Lindstrom" <D_Lindstrom@Bigpond.com> wrote, and I selectively

>How often to V/Line services emmanate from Lildale?
>David Lindstrom

AFAIK, Never.

707 Ops runs a charter train out of Lilydale to
Geelong/Bendigo/Ballarat every so often.  The tour operator is "Great
Southern Railway",or similar, according to the headboards.  They seem
to be trying to pick up the eastern suburbs market that SRV is only
starting to address.

707 Ops/GSR had also planned to run an ex-Frankston charter, but it
was cancelled fairly late in the piece (so maybe there *isn't* an
eastern suburbs market).


Yuri J Sos
Melbourne VIC AUS

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