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Re: "Day of the Roses"

If I am not mistaken it was stated in the show that the train was
running 3 minutes late due to signals further back up the line.
Therefore, the driver would have had to slow down at these points which
would have made it 3 minutes late. It is a fact that the train was
running 3 minutes late since it passed under the bridge at 8:12 am and
not the 8:09 it should have.  Am I right??

This still means that the driver was driving correctly bbut it was just
his bad luck that the signals had been against him making him late and
therefore he had to push his train to the maximum allowed speed limit to
make up for that time or be late. This was policy, if I am correct.

Lynda C

> Correctly, the show was careful not to claim that the driver had been going
> too fast (although it made an issue of the train being 3 min late at
> Parramatta).  The 3 minutes of lateness was a red herring: the train was
> being driven normally and was not pushing to make up time.  The show
> promoted the line that the transport authority had an excessive and
> uncharacteristically high speed limit at the site, to achieve political
> goals.

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