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R711 "Looking good"

"Looking good" was the comment from the boiler inspector Saturday
afternoon as he completed his boiler examination of R711.

Following the inspection the loco was moved up and down the Ballarat
East depot of WCR, the Webb whistle sounding better all the time (it's
not as if I'm biased or anything).  An ex-SAR fireman was on hand to
provide tips on oil/atomiser mix to achieve the best firing, and
position of some minor fittings.  All in all though, you have to give
Bob Butrims and his dedicated team 110% marks for the magnificent job
they've done on improving this loco.

 I'm still amazed at how easy it is to switch on and off an oil burner
(compared to a coal burner).

The loco is now back inside the shed and is unlikely to be fired up
again for a week or as final fit-out continues at breakneck pace.
First test runs on the mainline can be expected in the next two weeks,
followed by a visit to the paintshop.  The finished machine will look
magnificent, judging by the paint drawings.

It's also unlikely that the stacks will be cowled, and the dual stacks
do grow on you after a while.  

Purists who worried that the smokebox modifications (not it's not been
lengthened, in spite of the appearance from the photos) would lead to
a softened "chuff" can take heart that R711 can still put out a good
bark when the regulator is cracked open.

The sunny day in Ballarat on Saturday meant lots more photos, some
clearer than those taken on Thursday, so look for more photos on my
web page Monday night.  I'll try to work out how to get the whistle
sounds out of my camcorder onto an .avi file and I'll put that up on
the web page as well.




Yuri J Sos
Melbourne VIC AUS

Reply to: steam4me@enternet.com.au

Personal Web site at http://people.enternet.com.au/~steam4me
(last updated 22 October 1998 2330h)
(R711 in steam)