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Re: Buses (Victoria)

 If you look at westbus's buses, you will see that their minibuses
>are identical to National's and that they have the same crappy colour
It is true that National is owned by Westbus but at least Westbus don't have
the childish bus logo.
    Getting back to the original thread, when www.buslines.com.au first
started (buslines is the website for Melbourne's private bus operators - it
is worth a look if you haven't already, it contains info on the bus
companies and all of their suburban bus timetables. The Sydney equivalent
for private bus companies should take a good look at this site and Sydney
buses site too, the site the Sydney private bus companies provide is
pathetic in contrast.), they had a link for a potential NBC site. The logo
even had the phrase 'a better way to internet' next to it (a take off on
their catch-phrase, a better way to go.). I was surprised when it
disappeared in later revisions of the site as they would have been the sort
of candidate the site would be perfect for. Same with Ventura, I cannot
understand why they haven't shown any interest either. Grendas on the other
hand have an excellent site for their various constituent companies.
    I cannot understand why more of Melbourne's bus companies don't take
advantage of the opportunity to advertise their services on the net. The
www.buslines.com.au site even has a link from Victrip for the various
companies and Victrip is relatively well advertised at stations and the like