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Re: 1150 and 1250 class DELs' in Townsville

"JohnMcCandless" <johnmc@topend.com.au> wrote:

>You can rest easy, Darryl.  1150 and 1260 (actually, isn't it 1263?) are
>owned by the  ARHS, and have been sent up to give the new Townsville ARHS
>branch something useful to do. (ie, restore them).  After that, it's
>anybody's guess where they actually run them, and what with.  The
>ex-Greenvale branch would have been nice....	
>Of course, they'll be looking for volunteers to drive them, should I let
>them know you're both qualified and willing??	

>John McCandless	

>> I'm certaily qualified but where do you hope to run them?
>> As you say the GV line would have been ideal and most of the "angles"
>> have been removed from the area. I think the one at Giru is gone as well :-(
>> Which leaves Ayr , Ingham and the Towers. 
>> I think it would be great to take one of our newer drivers and put him on 1150.
>> 1260 (or63) would be worse, relaibility wise. The 1150s' weer primitive but at least
>> you would mostly get from A to B on them.

>> Bye 4 now, Darryl.

 "Even my vacuum cleaner is a VAX"