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Re: two faces of CHTR

Seems to be a BIG problem to some people even though Victoria is a small
State with hardly enough enthusiasts to support what little rail
preservation there is!

Steamrail has NO objection to the reuse of material on it's website
provided that it is for a non commercial purpose and we get an

Perhaps one day someone will explain to me why so called enthusiasts are so
negative to an organisation that has done so much for preservation, helped
other organisations in their preservation quests and had the foresight to
grab invaluable items when it could during the scrapping years. 
In the end we are all supposed to be preserving Victoria's railway heritage
not bickering because we asked for a simple acknowledgement.

As for the DERM, yes we know it's not working YET. Our volunteers are
progressing with it's return to service but as all at Daylesford know there
is alot of work in maintaining these historic vehicles and volunteers are a
scarce commodity. 

SRV Webmaster