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Re: Darwin to Alice railway

"Jim Gordon" <j.gordon@bigpond.com> wrote:
>Just a quick post, a headline on the A.B.C. news break here in
>Darwin tonight, was that Aboriginal groups (C.L.C, N.L.C.) have
>cleared the way for the railway to go ahead, although they would
>not discuss an amount 

Hello Jim, I noticed that too.

Australian National Railways had the route ready for a
line not all that long after the Tarcoola to Alice
Springs line opened.  There was consultation but no
impediments what so ever for the line to go ahead,
except the newly elected prime minister, RLJ Hawke
"hired" one David Hill to report on the feasibility of
the line.  Heh Heh .....guess what.?

Since then, we have Mabo, Wik, reconciliation and that
magic "heal all" word, ......compensation.!
A lot of people will watch this one real close, because
we are constantly being reminded that it is not money
"they" are after, but recognition of indigenous rights.

