Re: Met Automated Ticketing

Mike Alexander (
16 Feb 1998 04:47:44 GMT

> What about those travelling in Zone 1 who forget to validate at the
> station but who are more than happy to validate on the way out?

We would all be "more than happy" to validate on our way out and gain the
extra 1/2 hours or so on our 2-hour tickets. But this is not how it works,
for obvious reasons.

And, if you were going to a station where you did not have to leave through
an automatic barrier, would you still be more than happy to validate on the
way out? (Why should you, there's no-one there to check your ticket, and
you can then use the same ticket tomorrow!)

> Perhaps they could put validators on trains like they do on
> buses and trams for dills like me who want to do the right thing but
> until they are used to the system will sometimes forget.

And then it would be just like the scratch tickets, where everybody
scratched/validated as soon as an inspector appeared. The way it is, you
have to have a validated ticket to be on the train. And it makes sense.

> They would also be good for if the single validator at many of the
stations packs it in
> as people can still validate their ticket.

Don't most stations have 2 (or more) validators? But, I agree. What _is_
the situation if your station's validator's are all stuffed, and you can't
get out at Flinders St. While they still have a "All other tickets"
barrier, this won't be a problem, but what about after that?


Mike Alexander