Re: Trip to Melbourne

Albert Alcoceba (
9 Feb 1998 09:33:02 GMT

In the message about Trip to Melbourne, from SPILL@CIA.COM.AU to ALL!, SPILL@CIA.COM.AU said:"

SS> If you have legal tender, but not the exact fare then the
SS> machine won't issue a ticket. Can you board a train anyway?


SS> For instance, to get home last weekend, the fare was $9
SS> and I turned up at the station late on a Sunday night
SS> with a $10 note and a few coins. Since there was nothing at
SS> all open within cooee of the station I got the train anyway-
SS> but would they have fined my $100 because they couln't give
SS> $1 change?

Yes, they are in their rights to fine you $100. It is the passengers
responsibility to have the exact fare for the journey. If a machine
happens to give change that is an added service beyond requirements.



* RM 1.31 * Albert!