Re: Met Automated Ticketing

Drewan (
Mon, 02 Feb 1998 15:43:28 GMT

On Sun, 01 Feb 1998 02:49:53 GMT, (Brian Evans)
wasted our time and oxygen by typing thus:

>I attempted to buy a MET ticket for a trip into the city. I discovered after
>approaching the machine the smallest note I had in my wallet was a $20. After
>attempting to purchase a ticket, the machine told me the maximum amount of
>change it could issue was $10. It would appear that the machines cannot issue
>change if you buy a ticket under $10 and use a $20 note.

Hmmm. I have only heard grumblings about how bad this new system is.

Cant do this
Cant do that anymore
Not the way it used to be.

There will be teething troubles for a little while, till everyone gets
used to the new rules and regulations.

Already I have seen improvements to the level of services on the
trams, and hopefully in the future this will lead to a faster
timetable. Specifically.

o It is now about 5 minutes quicker to get to work, as everyone boards
the tram (Zs), and the tram is off. Those who have prebrought
tickets can validate and sit down. The tram no longer has a queue out
the front door, as everyone is lined up to buy their tickets.

o Weekend services will also benefit, with the driver relieved of the
duties of issuing tickets.

My 5 cents worth, but in a few months we will be wondering what the
fuss is about.
