Re: Melbourne validators eat tickets

Albert Alcoceba (
1 Feb 1998 15:19:51 GMT

In the message about Melbourne validators eat, from MALEX@BIGFOOT.COM to ALL!, MALEX@BIGFOOT.COM said:"

MM> I got on a route 64 tram today in Swanston St. and validated my ticket
MM> successfully. The person behind me then inserted his ticket into the _same_
MM> validator. It made a godawful noise, then beeped and whirred a whole lot,
MM> before finally switching on the red light, and putting "Closed" on the
MM> display. His ticket was not returned.

Reminds me of an incident on the 373 bus in Sydney. Validating machine
made loud noise and kept passegers weekly ticket. Passenger complained.
Much shaking and poking in the validator by the driver and inspector could
not produce the ticket. Passenger told to stay on bus and travel to
Randwick Bus Depot where they would get a mechanic to look into it. The
passenger had no intention of travelling anywhere near as far as Randick



* RM 1.31 * Albert!