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Re: What to do with XPT?

On Fri, 18 Dec 1998 11:44:47 GMT, thalytgv@my-dejanews.com wrote:

>Is it possible to refurbish current XPT carriages to tiltable carriages?
>Some MK3 sleepers from old British Rail refurbished to tilt carriages for
>Swiss rail's Intercity tilt train testing. Since XPT and HST style MK3 trains
>are similar in structures I guess it wouldn't be hard.
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OK - but the ex-BR MkIIIs were built to the much smaller (than the
Continental European) British loading gauge, and thus do not infringe
the gauge profile when running here. They would if they tried to tilt
them in the UK. What's the loading gauge (profile) look like down
under, then?


Mike Roebuck

SPAMTRAP: I don't mend shoes - remove the trade name when replying by E-Mail

"Just another Town, another Train, waiting in the morning rain. Lord give my restless soul a little patience"