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Re: What to do with XPT?

Andrew Price (aprice@mail.dotcom.fr) wrote:
> On 9 Dec 1998 05:43:10 GMT, dbromage@fang.omni.com.au (David Bromage)
> wrote:

> >I should also add that the Siemens tilting system is totally unsuited to
> >Australian track. The Adtranz tilting mechanism is much more suitable.

> Why is this?

The tilting mechanism is up in the body with the suspension below. This
means that much of the lateral movements has to be absorbed by the body,
and you get a lot of this on poor track. Even on good track, much effort
(and energy) is required to keep the body centred.

On the other hand, the Adtranz tilting system has the tilting mechanism
below the suspension. Much of the lateral movement can be absorbed in the
bogies, therefore you can use standard airbags for the body. You get a
much better and much safer ride on rough track. And the best NSW track
would still be considered rough by European standards.

When the X2000 was here, this system worked well (when it was active!).
ABB/Adtranz made some modifications to the system as a direct result of
the X2000 visit. From that they designed a 200km/h diesel tilting train
suitable for NSW track, and later modified this design to a 300km/h train
as a bid for the VHST.
