Re: A Current Afair Report on Rail Saftey

Tezza (
Wed, 29 Apr 1998 13:31:57 +1000

DJ NightShade wrote in message <3545987a.0@>...
>Hi All!
>Did any one see the report on rail saftey on ACA Tonight? (28/4)
>It is about time someone exposed what we have all known for so long!!!

>What does every one else think about this?
>How should we go about protesting? mabey picket rail access corp.?
>Congratulations to ACA on such a good report and also the length of the
>report. Hopefully RAC and the gov. will respond on tomorow night's show!
>Should be GOOD!!!!

If it's like anything in the past they'll want to charge the reporter and
the whistleblower with trespass and malicious damage.