Common sense

peter berrett (
Mon, 27 Apr 1998 22:26:34 +1100

Hi all

Some may know that as well as having an interest in railways I am also
amateur radio operator (VK3PZ).

We have a sort of radio version of the Internet which we call the
(amateur packet radio network) and functions as a giant bulletin board.
this newsgroup it has had its share of verbally abusive messages. Just
I came across a posting that I thought might be of some relevance to
group. Please pardon one or two technical terms or jargon but I think
you will get the drift.

(2) VK3KSK BBS (H for help) (TT Teletext Pages) >
>From : VK3KBR
Type/status : BF
Date/time : 27-Apr 09:08
BID (MID) : A40009VK3KBR
Message # : 110469
Title : ...A Request...

(This message has been read 2 times so far in this BBS.)



A request to all those Amateurs who get overheated on
any given subject. To keep our hobby friendly and in
keeping with the aims of the Amateur service, could I
request that all people with a negative and/or abusive
outlook on the subjects of ire, do one of three things.

1... Please have the intestinal fortitude to approach
your tormentor face to face and discuss this subject
between you, thus leaving our hobby free of fire and

2... Use your telephone and have a long and meaningful
discussion over the twisted pair [phone], thus burning the
telephone wires and not the Amateur service.

3... If you must use the packet system to send vitriol
then use the "P" choice [direct email] and keep the problem between
the two or so that have the problem. Why make other operators
sit in disgust at the way their hobby is heading.

The use of @VKNET, and @WW, etc. is just showing our ignorance
of the aims of this great hobby. If other countries wish to
air their dirty washing on the world wide stage, this then
is their problem, and maybe someone there will send them a
similar bulletin.

Yes I do have the ability to refuse to read this subject matter
but this still does not clean up our act (as Australian and N.Z.)

Fry me if you wish, but please fry me with personals, not at

Thanking you all in advance. Cheers and 73 from,

Rodney Jackson

--- End of messsage #110469 to SENSE from VK3KBR ---

I think there is something to be learnt here. Maybe
Peter Parker (VK1PK) might wish to back me up on this one.

cheers Peter

Ps are there any other amateurs who read this newsgroup?