Re: Overland Conspiracy Theory - was Re: Overland service - input wanted

Michael Walker (
Sat, 25 Apr 1998 00:18:30 +1000

>What does ROFL mean? Is it Rolf misspelt?
Close - I ROFL listening to Rolf Harris records but in actuality it is the
next step up from LOL (Laughing Out Loud) - Rolling On Floor Laughing. I
only found out after someone in aus.jokes posted a variation and explained
it. Where does one find out some of these acronyms, especially the less
obvious ones? Most I have learnt now being a newsgroup reader for a while
but new people might be put off if they cannot understand the posts and are
only tentatively reading newsgroups to see if they are worth bothering with.

Much like the time a friend and I checked out some hang gliders near Lorne
and lost the small amount of interest our seeing them glide over the Great
Ocean Road created when we checked them out at their launch point and were
totally ignored. Much like the favour lost by the NSWGR (currently Cityrail
but their behaviour makes me wonder if they still aren't in the formal and
stuffy era of their predecessor) when they pulled the STNs from the Web.
Much like why I am hesitant to go to a rail buff event for the first time
rather than just contribute to this group, potter around myself and buy rail
mags from Albert at the Railfan Shop (who deserves congrats for presenting
an interested excited human face for railways - much better than any direct
experiences with any railway service provider). Etc