Re: SRA railcar disposal

Steve Shotton (
Thu, 23 Apr 1998 18:29:05 +1000

The Newcastle 620's were sitting on "the back road" at Broadmeadow for
nearly 12 months, before being placed onto the #2 Roundhouse arrival road,
where they sat for about a month, and are now in the roundhouse. I've been
in the r'house to look at them and they are well and truly stuffed.

A while ago someone suggested to me that they be used for preservation
groups. I don't think there is any pres. group in Australia with the
resources to restore some of these carriages. On the other hand, some may be
"restorable" (Is that a word? :)

Almost all have smashed or shattered windows, a few have no "cow-catchers",
I believe they have no motors in them, and most of the seats are being used
to keep the operable fleet going.

Steve Shotton