Steam on goods and mixed trains (ad)

Krel (
Mon, 20 Apr 1998 05:35:06 GMT

The Victorian Goldfields Railway is running a Heritage weekend on July
11 and 12, 1998.

Highlights will include-
Double and Single headed steam hauled Goods, Mixed and
Passenger trains.
Steam and Diesel together.
Railmotor running (RM61)
Night Train Saturday night with awesome listening stop on 1 in
40 grade.
BBQ at Maldon with steam shunting in background,
Night photosession.
Brakevan rides on steam hauled goods trains.

Cost is $ 12 per day or $20 for the weekend.

Lineside access by rail only (access roads will be closed).

Train running begins at 7.30am each day. Be early for the best shots.

Full train running and photo notes supplied.

Maldon Railway Station, Hornsby St. Maldon, Vic.
Vicroads map 59 B1.

Email me for more info at

Apologies to those don't like ads on newsgroups.

When I die I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my Grandfather; not screaming and scared shitless like his passengers.