Re: Attention all!
Thu, 16 Apr 1998 00:44:00 GMT

x-no-archive: yes

In our last episode <> on Thu, 16 Apr 1998
00:35:45 +1000, Eben Levy told aus.rail:

>Well, don't complain to me about the insults, why only make this comment to me.
>From what I see, I was only *HALF* the problem here. I am not asking you to pay
>out on tezza, but WHY just have a go at me?

True, you were "*HALF*" the problem (good on you for admitting it), but why
not do us ALL a favour and let the thread just die and fade off into the
distance? No one is getting anywhere, and some people have said that they
won't be coming back into aus.rail again because of this crap.

Do you think "tezza" is going to listen? (No, just make more insane
numbers of useless posts!) It takes two to tango, and two (or more) to
have a flame-war. If you just shut up and forget it, it will go away. Any
further UNPROVOKED abuse by the person can then be the opportunity to
contact the ISP -- = "All Things Internet" -- and ask
them to take appropriate action over the unsuitable behaviour.

When replying, delete all the UNNECESSARY parts of the original message.
Most of the posts made have had all of the original/last post left in them.
This makes these posts far, far bigger than required, and a lot harder to
sift through and read too. It also uses more bandwidth: taking longer to
download; cost more people more money...

It is all about 'Net etiquette.