Re: Patricks Train

Rex (
Tue, 14 Apr 1998 19:36:55 +1000

Eben Levy wrote in message <>...
>tezza wrote:
>> David Proctor wrote in message <6gl750$s4b$>...
>> >
>> >tezza wrote in message <6gksp8$70u$>...
>> >
>> >
>> >How come tezza seems to know so much about the MUA and the waterside
>> >workers?
>> From TV, newspapers, websites and friends in the MUA. Also from being a
>> PTU delegate.
>Do you always believe what is in the media, and don't forget, friends will
>most likly state there point of view, one that will be in there favour. The
>PTU isn't the MUA.
>> >If this was a dispute involving the PTU, I would give his
>> >statements some credence, but as it doesn't, we should treat them as
>> >opinions only, not as fact.
>> All facts.
>> >Otherwise, I will have to express my views as a
>> >delegate of the Finance Sector Union, and they would hold equal weight.
>> Only if they're correct. Your's is another Union (along with the PTU)
>> that needs a good kick in the guts from it's Members to get it to start
>> protecting their jobs.
>Why should his need a kick in the guts, I have never heard anything wrng
>with his union, the reason wht the PTU need help is cause it is full of
>people who don't know what is good for them.
You must live in the city, or you are a dill. Ask people in the bush what
the Finance Sector Union has done to prevent banks closing in their towns.
Ask the workers how much that union helped them retain their jobs in their
home towns.

>Bye for now,
