Re: evben levy the retarded scab gets trashed

tezza (
Tue, 14 Apr 1998 01:10:34 +1000

David Proctor wrote in message <6gt2v5$1vk$>...
>tezza wrote in message <6gqp08$htc$>...
>Has anybody noticed how tezza always shuts up and
>Eben whenever Eben seems to be getting the upper hand?

At no time did the retard "get the upper hand". When I realised he had
nothing to say except to argue for the sake of an argument I ended all
the threads before the complaints started.

ps Just because a lie can be accepted as a truth does not make it true,
ergo it is not a fact, ergo lies can *not* become the facts. Facts can
*not* be falsified.