Re: Patricks Train

tezza (
Sun, 12 Apr 1998 09:19:07 +1000

David Proctor wrote in message <6gmcjj$njn$>...
>David Proctor wrote in message
>>How come tezza seems to know so much about the MUA and the waterside
>tezza wrote in message <6gle7i$ija$>...
>>From TV, newspapers, websites and friends in the MUA. Also from being
>>PTU delegate.
>I believe tezza wrote in an earlier posting "Don't believe everything
>read or hear on TV" - I would imagine the internet would be much the

When each source confirms the other, especially when the media is
confirming all the MUA claims, I'd give it credence.

> >If this was a dispute involving the PTU, I would give his
>>>statements some credence, but as it doesn't, we should treat them as
>>>opinions only, not as fact.
>>All facts.
>Who says they are? My ex-wharfie friend (ex, because he was one of the
>who were sacked, and would return as a non-unionist (go on, call him a

He's a DIRTY FILTHY ROTTEN SCAB. I hope his Workmates find out that he
intends to betray them.

> says that 90% of what is reported about pay, conditions and rorts is

Once again, post his pay details.

>> >Otherwise, I will have to express my views as a
>>>delegate of the Finance Sector Union, and they would hold equal
>>Only if they're correct. Your's is another Union (along with the PTU)
>>that needs a good kick in the guts from it's Members to get it to
>>protecting their jobs.
>Not really - the FSU just realises that technology has moved on, and
>the financial corporations do not need the huge numbers of staff that
>previously needed.

Tell that to all the people who can't get service in banks.

>What is needed in the Finance sector is a union that is
>prepared to sit down with management and work through the issues

The only issues the banks are interested in are the record profits
they're scalping from their customers. The record *real* interest rates
they're gouging out of people. They don't give a shit about the workers,
customers or Australia.

>not one that is prepared to shut everything down when they cant get
>own way!