Re: NR52 - different colours?

Terry Burton (
Sun, 19 Oct 1997 09:23:12 GMT (Doug Coster) wrote:
Mobs of stuff re NRC paint schemes, deleted here.

This is unbelievable.

A reliable source in Adelaide has told me the following;
NR30 - base grey currently being painted with aboriginal
designs in NSW.
NR52 - base black currently on sound and load trials in
Adelaide - will be painted with aboriginal designs after
signwriter has completed NR 30.
NR53/ NR54/ NR55 - to be painted in Trailerail colours -
looks as though NR53 is already out and about.
NR56/ NR57 - to be painted in SeaTrain colours
NR58/ NR 59/ NR 60 - to be painted in Steelink colours.

This is your money folks, from the people that have locked
themselves, read - taxpayers, away with a 15 year contract.

Alice Springs NT