Re: The PTC's own Gestapo

Paul Dwerryhouse (
8 Oct 1997 22:25:13 GMT (Daniel Bowen) writes:

>Err yeah, I wasn't trying to be serious, just an observation.
>Err.. you probably worked that out anyway.

Yup :)

>On a related topic, I notice that they put in fare gates at the
>Elizabeth St entrance to Museu... err.. Melbourne Central today.

Urggh... I saw them starting to install them on the Swanston St side, too...

Anyone noticed how these damned things are just slightly too narrow to
walk through whilst carrying a backpack on one shoulder?

I hope they put in _a lot_ of them. Otherwise I can see "station-barrier"
rage becoming even more of a harsh reality than its road equivalent.


Paul Dwerryhouse                              
"The growing use of e-mail, not to mention Web-page publishing, threatens to 
reverse the trend towards illiteracy among the supposedly educated without at 
the same time improving their spelling". -- Michael Swaine, Dr. Dobb's Journal