Re: No A on 1719 Bacchus Maesh

Krel (
1 Oct 97 11:07:31 GMT

David Bromage <> wrote in article
> Yuri J Sos ( wrote:
> >With V/Line Passenger keeping only 4 A's, is the change on this train
> >temporary or permanent? And why are the locos running this train
> >freight allocated locos?
> At one stage there were only 3-4 As allowed to run passenger trains. The
> rest were riding so roughly they were restricted to 80km/h freight
> workings.
> Cheers
> David
Does anyone have a list of which locos are V/Line Pass and which are V/Line
freight ???

Cheers Krel

The Law of Inverse Proportions - The chances of the signal clearing without having to get out of the cab and go to a lineside phone is inversly proportional to the amount of rain falling at the time :-)