Re: 9:17 Belgrave Train from Flinders Street.

John Dennis (
Thu, 13 Nov 1997 10:35:05 GMT

> > Agreed. However, since I believe this is the only express train on
> > the line, maybe it doesn't make economic sense to add the circuitry -
> > except of course for Mitcham were all down trains seem to be treated
> > like an express.
> There are other down express trains pass through Mitcham, if you take
> those empty cars into account, as below:

>So there is still the one train that has exception to the rule at Mitcham
>Road so manual setting is needed. For Hearthdale Road for the trains ex
>Mitcham the signaler at Mitcham could set the setting at Mitcham to say
>the train went express through and then Hearthdale would be set to express.
>What happened in the days of trains non stop at Hearthdale (Rooks Road
>warning) and Laburnam (Middlebough Road warning as it stopped at Blackburn)?
>Does any one have the signal diagram for Mitcham? What is the Down
>Auto Signall at the station? Red over Red or Green over Red?

For the first time for some months I actually travelled by train from
Mitcham to the city earlier this week. The "normal" indication of the
down auto protecting the Mitcham Road crossing is Green over Red.
What is surprising is that the up signal at the end of the platform,
protecting the crossover and the siding points, normally shows yellow
over red, indicating that the auto at Rooks Road is at red over red.

To me that is weird. A signal protecting a crossing at the end of a
platform is green, meaning the gates come down whenever any train
reaches the specified track circuit, whether it is stopping or not.
OTOH, on the up, Rooks Road, with it's red stick, is a kilometre (at
least) from any platform, but has a signal with a "normal" state of

BTW, the signaller at Mitcham can't do too much. It is only switched
in during the early morning hours for the empty cars from Ringwood to
reverse so they can go back to Ringwood (?)

John Dennis
Dutton Bay Tramway pages updated 14 June