Re: GSR's First Overland Arrives

Kim Hazelgrove (
Mon, 03 Nov 1997 22:26:52 +0800

> Australian National bled to death after losing its business
> to National Rail, and then the party hacks with union
> support went around and said, "Oh well, AN were losing big
> money so we had to do something, and that's why we created
> National Rail Corp." AN were going OK until 1991.!
> ----Tell
> Alice Springs NT

Too right, Tell! You got it right in one - pity the others can see this
as well.
What price rail in Australia now? In WA, the relevant Minister is making
noises about closing Westrail. The idea is to own and maintain the line,
farm out the train control and maintenance, sell off the rolling stock,
sell off the terminals and stations and run it like the highways. I've
driven on these highways - geez, we're in trouble now!!!!! The trains
are a "burden on the state". This is all because of a pay dispute
occurring at an opportune time. New locos - SG and NG -, new and rebuilt
wagons, lots of fixed consist unit trains. Guess what, Westrail is
running at a profit (supposedly) - makes it all look good for a
prospective buyer.

Kim Hazelgrove