Re: Automatic Ticket Machines - Time settings

John Wayman (
29 May 1997 10:57:41 GMT

Wolfgang Auer <> wrote in article
> Paul Dwerryhouse <> wrote:
> [Order of quoted paragraphs changed, some of them deleted]
> >I still believe they have made a severe screw-up in the validation
> >of the tickets. Having to validate a ticket every time one goes through
> >gate is utter madness - this will cause huge backlogs of people at the
> >major city stations (and probably everywhere else, at that).
> >
> >Why does Melbourne always have to be different?
> After some postings in aus.rail, including yours, Paul, I got the
> impression that one has to validate one's ticket in Melbourne not only
> _everytime_ while passing a gate but also after _every_ boarding, even
> in a tram? Is that true? That would be, er, funny! What's the reason for
> this rather rigorous arrangement? Does anybody expect to prevent fare
> evasion completely? That would actually be a serious reason why
> automatic ticket machines are that unpopular with the Melbourn people!

These tickets are checked for validity every time you board a vehicle.

This will become more important from July when private bus operators, who
operate services on behalf of the Met, will retain all money from tickets
sold, in return for a cut in their subsidy.

Bus drivers in fear of their jobs will not be as forgiving with passengers
as they are now. Pensioners will once again have to show their concession
card to gain a concession fare.


John Wayman