Re: Nigerian Sulzers and the Wonderful NT

Terry Burton (
Fri, 09 May 1997 10:48:17 GMT (Nic Doncaster) wrote:

>Can anyone help me with some data re the Nigerian Sulzers that were built at the
>same time that the NT's were put together.

>And don't mention Dusty Durrant.

Hi Nic

I recall when the NT's were delivered way back in 1965
that it was reported they were similar to the Nigerian
Sulzers, but I only ever viewed one obscure photo.

BTW..... have you noticed that AN's EL class have a
very melodious Horn which sounds just like the old NT's
under certain conditions. Only problem is the EL horns
do not seem to stay in tune very long.
I wonder if Goninan got it right on the NR's.!


---- Tell
Alice Springs NT

CR-ANR-AN ...Almost gone but not forgotten.
Australian Pioneers of the Long Heavy Haul.