Re: Outcomes of the Hines Hill crash.

Krel (
10 Jun 97 05:42:09 GMT

Maurie Daly <> wrote in article
> One of the Coroners recommendations as a result of the Hines Hill Smash
> that running crosses , ie 2 trains entering a crossing loop
> under CTC rules be banned.
> As the Westrail, AN and PTC CTC systems allow running crosses but the SRA

> system doesnt,does anyone know whether any changes have been made to
> discontinue this practice.
> Also are running crosses permitted under the PTCs ASW system.?
> cheers
> MD
Running crosses on ASW territory? That must be some sort of sick joke. A
normal cross on the Cressy Plains takes 7 to 10 minutes. The train taking
the loop runs onto the track circuit 3 kms from the facing points and
starts a 5 minute rundown. When the time has expired a crew member has to
get off the locomotive insert a key in a key switch and operate the switch
to restore the main line signal to stop (it has shown a green light for the
last 5 minutes.). If the points motor over and the loop signal clears then
the train can draw forward into the loop stopping at the F board at the
other end. As soon as the rear of the train is in clear of the main line it
kicks off an automatic message "Vite Vite Loop Up end clear". After this
has repeated itself and you have checked the ETAS unit to confirm that you
still have air at the rear of the train you can relinquished your authority
to occupy the previous section. This then travels through cyberspace to
Transport House in Melbourne where the train controller then sends a next
authority to the train that is to pass through on the main. Only when he
has received and acknowledged his next authority can the through train pass
the F board at the departure end of the loop.

Welcome to the modern up to date interstate main line!! Oh and don't forget
the 44 km long speed restriction to 50 km/h from Pura Pura to Maroona. And
they wonder why we can't compete with road transport.

Cheers Krel

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguisable from magic" - Clarke's Law