Re: Hey SRV: Is it 639 or 658?

David Bromage (
25 Jun 1997 03:46:08 GMT

Yuri J Sos ( wrote:
>In fact, thinking about it, a "one-off" number change might be an
>interesting marketing gimmick to run a "Back to the Future" tour. Say
>for example R700 was to be in line for restoration and return to
>service on SG. Change 761 to 700 for one day, run it parallel with

running as 753...

>say to Seymour, then solo to Albury

as 749...

>and back.

as 711, if WCR will let you borrow the plates for the day.


>I'm not a purist in that every loco *has* to be black, or black and

Personally I'd like to see the Stephenson A2 retored and painted in
Baldwin Brown.
