Railways, Pipelines & Priorities

Terry Burton (telljb@ozemail.com.au)
Mon, 21 Jul 1997 13:20:07 GMT

All this recent chat on a Railway to Darwin reminds me
of another project which has for some people far more
importance than a Line to Darwin.

A West Australian Politician Ernie Bridges (I do hope I
have that gentlemans name correct.) has been pushing
for years for a Pipeline from the Ord River scheme back
down along the vicinity of the WA NT border to supply
water via small trunks to every main centre along the
way and then divide between Adelaide and Perth the

Both of these Capital Cities have major water supply
and quality problems, Towns like Alice Springs are
pumping water from a NON-renewable underground aquifer
and countless other small towns have big water supply

Every Wet season in the Top of Australia, millions upon
millions of litres of water pour out into the sea.

Perhaps Australia owes this scheme to its future
generations before a Railway North.!

Most people in Alice Springs do not know the difference
between NRC and AN (no surprise there), all they know
is, there are only a hand full of Railway people left
here now, the old Railway Town has been completely
demolished. The Railway to Darwin will see even less
employees and severely impact on the Road Train
Industry which like the Railway, pre NRC, provided
extra wealth and jobs to the Town.

Just a thought or two.

Alice Springs NT