Re: Alice Springs

Terry Burton (
Wed, 30 Jul 1997 07:30:26 GMT (Tom Jones) wrote:
>If there used to be 200 people and the same work has
>to be done by NR with far fewer people then doesn't
>that mean they are more efficient? Perhaps the 200
>people were required to build and upgrade the line
>but then became surplus?

Hi Tom

Further my previous, I was wrong about the number
of Employees in Alice Springs, the figure I quoted
would have included the NAR as well.

I understand from a friend who has official info
that the figure was 90 in the early seventies but
has been quoted in other sources as being up to 120.

What ever the numbers, this "downsizing" as others
have pointed out has been repeated across Australia.
In some cases where services were completely withdrawn,
it has had a devastating effect on small Towns, so
those with a service and albeit less employees, are
fortunate in these times.


Alice Springs NT