Re: Unions don't know what's good for them

Rodney T. Young (
30 Jul 97 17:35:25 GMT

Translib Pty. Ltd. <> wrote in article
> Rodney T. Young wrote:

> > most are not as intollerant as you.
> If you don't like the pay, why stay on the job? Afterall, none forces
> you to stay with a job that does not offer pay and conditions that you
> like. "If you can't stand the heat, get out the kitchen!!". Just
> remember there are many thousands of unemployed people who would love to
> have a job like yours!!
> snip
> > YOU STILL MISS THE POINT......Pay and conditions are not being
destroyed by us. You the public [Government]
are destroying our hard won conditions . Remember me today and you
If you dont want to pay then drive your car, We want better, a bit of the
good life too. Are you sugesting that Mr Kennett is
going to leave us alone, if we go away?
The Grand Prix fiasco is a glaring example. The Government forces
us into a situation where we have to negotiate conditions each year. they
come out with a wish list eg

1 You will work split shifts Start at 4.00am finish at 12 noon start at
3.00pm and finish at 7.00pm
Like most people with a life I have a family and a home I like to
spend some time with/in
2 give up 1 weeks annual leave per year
Yes sure Kennett easy come easy go
3 No more Penalties for Sat. or Sun
Great lets not run any trains either, We can act like humans and
have a drink with the boys
4 increase max hours worked per day to 10 hours
Yep thats a good one, middle names Superman, Faster than a
speeding locomotive able to stay awake for 12 hours at least
5 Allow workers to work 13 shifts a F/N instead of 12
Same as 4
6 Allow some Grain Depots to go Part time ie no grain no pay
Who says BHP isnt running it now?
7 reemploy retired drivers on a part time basis
I wont be travelling behind them
8 Reduce training programe from 5 years to 9 months
Done it on the Sparks already, and guess what, I dont travel on
them anymore. In fact I stop at every level crossing in my car, would not
dare drive accross one in case an ex Tram driver was coming, you see they
think that signals are like Traffic Lites,
and wait for the Red[ joking]
Then they offer us 6% paid over 2 years, but they took, in this case 8% or
more off us. Of course we said No, So they said we takes what we want
Grand Prix was a set up and we fell in head first. But come on fellas, we
had little practice for 8 years.
Cooper doesnt lie, but we were on strike because of a pay rise? What F'n
payrise. The bastards were privatising us and they were not going to pay
our Superanuation rights or any fair redundancy. You know it , but Cooper
doesnt tell lies?
> I would thought to ensure a better future for you and your colleagues,
> is to promote the use of public transport to the general public. I am
> yet to see any action taken by your union(s) for such promotion. It is
> obvious that you have never run a business of your own. Then you will
> know the importance of holding on to your long term customers, while
> attracting new ones.

Got a Sister and a brother just like you. Cry poor and hate the fact that I
have [had] job security.
Why dont you get out of that no where job?, they always say... Look at us.
Our Bean Bag business makes us a fortune....Pay everything out of the Till,
run at a near loss pay no taxes to speak of. Drive brand new cars, every
outher year. Socialise, best clothes, Kids go to the best schools. . AND
GET AUSTUDY...which went into a Bank account and got them each a new car
when they turned 18.. Yes Sir! I know all about small L business people,
as I pay my 17000 a year taxes, another 2000 for Medibank,
and $3200 towards my Superanuation, refused Austudy for any of my Kids, as
I walk to the Station because my wife needs the Ten year old Commodore
Maybe I can afford to take her out this year.
If we knew a Government would ever treat its people this way, we might have
tried another job, at my age I feel its too late
and any way I am an Enthusiast, who loves to do it, so why should I let
some Tax cheat tell me that my workmates have got no right to inconveniene
him.... F you
> > Are you going to let this
> > Government close your trains down..... ah well its your problem.
> The problem does not just affect Peter and people travelling on his
> line. It is also your problem, Rod. Think about it, the line that
> Peter travels on may well be the one that you work on regularly!
> Rod, it is pity that the P.T.C. doesn't run like a private company, such
> as BHP and Shall, who offers employee shares. This will give you and
> your fellow workers an opportunity to become a part-owner the company.
> Perhaps then you will realise the reason behind Government's demand on
> productivity gain linked to the pay rise!!
> I.C.