Re: C Class in Sydney

Tim Arnot (
Tue, 05 Aug 1997 06:46:40 GMT (Tim Arnot) wrote:

>Last Saturday night at 2030 a C Class went north through Gosford,
>probably with 8176 on a Steelink train.

>Next morning 8176 lead C504 on NP2 from Newcastle via Leightonfield to
>Melbourne. 0930 ex Leightonfield through Wagga at sunset.

>Not too bad for an 80k runner.

>This is possibly the first C Class to Newcastle?? (All polite
>contradictions will be gratefully received)

>Timothy Arnot

>e-mail to

Apologies for following up my own post, but I forgot to mention that
YB4 on Sunday 3/8/97 was an NR + C510 elephant and crossed 8176 and
C504 on NP2 at Aylmerton.

According to a long time photographer [not me, damn it!] , the
crossing shot was duly bagged.....

Timothy Arnot

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